Brian D. Ropers-Huilman's Surgery Page
24 May

Feeling Good

Click on any of the images here to see a larger view

Well, there's not too much to write from last night as I didn't get yesterday's page up until 19:00 last night!

Here are today's requisite pics.

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I also took another picture of my mouth to show you the broken rubber band. You can see the end of it is all stained from the tomatoe based stuff I've been eating. It's nice to have the little extra mobility and room to put a spoon in my mouth.

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I'm still feeling very itchy in the upper jaw in the evenings, after a full day of talking, etc., but there's no pain. The numbness externally on the chin is starting to receed from the left side of my face towards the center. I also think I'm starting to get some feeling back inside my mouth on the upper jaw. I also noticed last night, after a full day, that I could detect that nice, familiar hollow in my cheeck area that I hadn't seen since before the surgery. I think that as I sleep at night, in a vertical position, the swelling kind of equalizes, but as I'm up and walking around all day, the fluids in the swelling drain a bit and I think I look a little better in the evenings. Maybe I'll take some pictures tonight and add them to this page for a comparison...

Before I do, I have some pictures of me mowing the lawn. It's the first real big activity I've done since before the surgery. It wasn't too strenuous, but I am tired right now, and was aweful dirty and sweaty...

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And, as promised, here are some pictures taken this evening. I didn't smile in the first one because 1) it matches the earlier pictures better and you can see the decrease in swelling better; and 2) I was tired from mowing! Becky made me smile, however, and took the second picture as well.

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The statements and opinions included in these pages are those of Brian D. Ropers-Huilman only. Any statements and opinions included in these pages are not those of Louisiana State University or the LSU Board of Supervisors.
© 1999 Brian D. Ropers-Huilman
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