Magazine URLs

The following is a list of magazines that I recently threw away from my cube here at work. I had a physical paper copy of every single one of these, sometimes multiples. I know some of the links don't work, but they were the links listed in the magazine. I'll take some time one day to find the appropriate links and update this page, until then, you're on your own.


  1. NASA Insights
  2. Performance Computing / UNIX Review
  3. UNIX Review / Performance Computing
  4. Server/Workstation Expert
  5. Sys Admin
  6. IBM's TC digest
  7. IBM's /AIXtra
  8. IBM's Personal Systems
  9. IBM's Research
  10. IBM's RS/ The PowerPC Magazine
  11. ;login:


  12. Federal Computer Week
  13. Internet Security Advisor
  14. Info Security News Magazine


  15. Internet Week
  16. Network World
  17. Network Magazine
  18. Network Computing
  19. LAN Times
  20. CTI
  21. Computer Telephony
  22. Internet Telephony
  23. Mobile Computing & Communications
  24. Wireless Systems Design


  25. Windows NT Magazine
  26. Windows NT Systems
  27. WindowsPro / Windows Guide
  28. Windows Sources
  29. ent


  30. Lotus Solutions Now!
  31. Group Computing
  32. Messaging Magazine


  33. Object Magazine


  34. Dr. Dobb's Journal
  35. Information Week
  36. PC Week
  37. PC Today
  38. Info World
  39. Computer World


  40. KMWorld
  41. Support Management
  42. DB2 Magazine
  43. Beyond Computing
  44. The Industry Standard
  45. WebServer Magazine
  46. DECUS Magazine
  47. MultiVersity


  48. New Media
  49. Imaging Magazine
  50. Advanced Imaging


  51. Data Comm Warehouse / Micro Warehouse
  52. Global Computer Supplies

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The statements and opinions included in these pages are those of Brian D. Ropers-Huilman only. Any statements and opinions included in these pages are not those of Louisiana State University or the LSU Board of Supervisors.
© 1999 Brian D. Ropers-Huilman
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