Lab 1- Practical Exercise on Getting Started

1.       Logging In

·         UserID and password – used to login to any UNIX system

à         passwd – utility for changing your password

2.       Looking Around

·         System Information

à         date – for for seeing the current date and time

à         uptime – for seeing date / time, number of users and the load on the machine

à         who – for seeing who is on the system and where they came from

à         w – for seeing who is on the system and what they’re doing

·         User Information

à         whoami, who am i – used to get information on your current login

à         finger{@hostname} {login-name} – for getting information on a user, yourself or someone else

·         User Communications

à         write login-name – send one line of a message to other user

à         talk login-name{@hostname} {tty} – interactive chat with another user

à         mesg [ y | n ] – turn messages to yourself on or off

à         biff [ y | n ] – allow notification of incoming e-mail messages

à         mail – “old” way to send and read e-mail

à         pine – “new” method of reading e-mail

·         Help

à         man [ -k ] command – get help (manual pages) on a command

3.       Using the System

·         Directories

à         pwd – shows the directory you’re currently in (present working directory)

à         cd path – change your directory to the one specified

à         cd ~ – changes you back to your “home” directory (default login directory from /etc/passwd file)

à         cd – acts the same as above

·         Files

à         ls [filename …] – shows (lists) files in the current directory

à         ls –l – shows files in the current directory including permissions, owner, group, time, etc.

à         ls -A – show all files in the directory, including “hidden” (dot) files

à         ls -F – show all files in the directory using special characters to identify file types

à         touch filename – creates a file with nothing in it (0 bytes)

à         cp source-file destination-file – copy a file to a new file (absolute or relative paths O.K.)

à         mv source-file destination-file – rename (move) a file to another file (includes directories)

à         rm filename – deletes (removes) a file (permanently!!!!)

à         cat filename – displays the contents of a file

à         more filename – displays the contents of a file one screen at a time

à         less filename – displays the contents of a file, allowing you to scroll up or down in the file

à         head { -#-of-lines } – display the first lines of a file, default is 10

à         tail { -#-of-lines } – display the last lines of a file, default is 10

à         grep search-string filename – search a file for text (the search-string)

à         sort filename – sort each line of a file in alpha-numeric order

à         uniq filename – show only unique lines in a file

à         diff file1 file2 – compare file1 with file2, showing the differences between them

à         compress filename – compact a file to save space (changes a text file to a binary file…)

à         uncompress filename – un-compact a file back to its original form and size

à         zcat filename – show the contents of a compressed file

à         wc { -l } filename – calculate the number of lines (word count) in a file

à         ln { -s } file1 file2 – links original file1 to the new file2

·         Editing

à         vi { filename } – edit a file (visual); this is the UNIX-guru way!

à         pico { filename } – edit a file; this is the ‘novice’ way!

4.       Logging Out

·         logout – logs you out of the UNIX system, ending your session: always do this!!!