Homework 2- Networking
This homework is due Monday, 28 February 2000.
Before starting this homework, issue the following command:
When you are done with your homework, e-mail the file hw1.txt
to the instructor, cs1970a@classes.csc.lsu.edu
1. Make
sure you have a copy of the file usethis
from the home directory of the user cs1970a
in a subdirectory called homework1
in your home directory. (2 pts)
2. Determine
the IP addresses of the first machine given in the file usethis.
(2 pts)
3. List
the InterNIC information about the second computer listed in the URL of
the file usethis. (2 pts)
4. Determine
how many machines are between the computer you’re connected to and the third
machine listed in the file usethis.
(2 pts)
5. Determine
how long network traffic takes to get from the computer you’re connected to and
the first machine listed in the file usethis.
(2 pts)
6. Determine
the hostname of the computer you’re connected to. (2 pts)
7. Determine
the IP address of the computer you’re connected to. (2 pts)